Otsing leidis 5 vastet

Postitas kmn
13.07.2014 08:43 03
Foorum: In English
Teema: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!
Vastuseid: 7
Vaatamisi: 37846

Re: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!

This car is now sold. Now i'm driving this bagged E36 328i Touring! :cool: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10463029_10152238042743325_7086997033411648346_n.jpg This is how the car looked when i bought it: Sorry this picture is not working? Or was there supposed to be on...
Postitas kmn
05.06.2014 09:41 09
Foorum: In English
Teema: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!
Vastuseid: 7
Vaatamisi: 37846

Re: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!

This car is now for sale in Finland. Offers are also accepted from abroad. Again the car is fully rebuilt: - All basic stuff done, waterpump, belts, tensioners, oils etc - Recently replaced clutch, dumped the dual-mass flywheel and replaced with single mass. - Cardan shaft rebuilt with new bearings,...
Postitas kmn
04.09.2013 15:13 19
Foorum: In English
Teema: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!
Vastuseid: 7
Vaatamisi: 37846

Re: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!

Cool! Thanks bro! It's been a ton of work, so nice to hear some compliments.. Here's quick glimpse what the car's been through.. Needless to say it has been a pain in the a** some times... :lol: I didn't bother to start and translate all this crap so just ran it through Google Transalte - hope this ...
Postitas kmn
04.09.2013 13:54 15
Foorum: In English
Teema: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!
Vastuseid: 7
Vaatamisi: 37846

Re: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!

Oh, and by the way.. Ekupeku seems to be selling his car on auto24.ee! Why wouldn't you sell it to me then, i dropped you a bunch of emails already...? ;) :cool:
Postitas kmn
04.09.2013 13:50 21
Foorum: In English
Teema: kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!
Vastuseid: 7
Vaatamisi: 37846

kmn stanced E36 325i Cabriolet on Carline's!

Hi all, hereby presenting you my longtime neverending project. I live in Finland and originally brought this car 3-4 years back from Estonia (Valga to be exact), so this might be familiar for some of you people.. Would be nice to hear some details of the history of this car, if possible?! The car ha...